Services Archives - Malik Agro Industries

We provide agriculture equipment all over the world.

We don’t Sale tractors with in Pakistan

Mf 375 2wd Tractors

Malik Agro Industries is happy to offer MF tractor to its loyal customers in a reliable manner.

Massey Ferguson Tractors

Choose MF 385 tractor because of the reliable services it provides, durable and very effective.

Disc Harrow

The disc plough performs tasks like rock breaking, soil elevating and soil mixing of all kinds.

Disc Plough

An efficient tool for weed control, soil preparation, and mixing harvest leftovers is disc harrow.

New Holland NH 7056 (85 HP 4WD)

Tractor NH 7056 (85 HP 4W) by Malik Agro Industries comes with a powerful steering arm and spindle.

Hydraulic Farm Trailer

With Hydraulic farm trailer, moving bricks, sand, dirt and other materials is now simple & easy.