Disc Harrow - Malik Agro Industries

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Disc Harrow

Disc Harrow  is an effective implement for soil preparation, weed abatement and mixing of harvest residues. On this page you will find disc harrow price and specifications in Pakistan. The adjustable cleaners make the discs free of any waste material, permitting excellent management. Disc harrow is primary and secondary tillage implement operated with the help of a tractor. The disc harrow is attached with 3 point linkage category tractor. It is considered little heavier implement. Tractor having above 50 horsepower is used to operate disc harrow.

Disc harrow is made of a heavy frame and round blade type disc are attached with it. Number of discs can vary including 14, 16 or 18. More the discs more power is required to run it. In Pakistan frequently tractors used for disc harrow are New Holland 640NH DabbingMF 375 and MF 385. These tractors have 75 to 85 horsepower engine.

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