Tractor Cabin - Malik Agro Industries

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Tractor Cabin


Tractor Cabin| Tractor Cabin For Sale| Malik Agro industries

The basic purposes of an agricultural tractor cab are to provide comfortable environment for an operator and to protect him from vibrations, noise and other adverse in ounces.

The microclimatic features of middle-sized tractor cabs are the main focus of this paper. The microclimatic conditions are related with design features that in hence heat processes between the cab and also the environment, including the consequences on the operator. One among methods for improvement of the microclimatic conditions and for reducing of air-condition-ing energy consumption is prevention of cab heat gain, achieving this by appropriate heat rejection and insulation. Since the cab material characteristics and cab design play the most role within the heat transfer processes between the cab and also the environment, these features are analyzed on existing middle-sized tractor’s cabs. The aim of the paper is to spot and evaluate most vital, so as to form the premise for microclimatic and energy consumption reduction aspects of a tractor cab design.